
Survivalmarks – Bookmarks for survival related topics

I decided to do a survival blog site as I am asked all the time about my many adventures and survival situations I have encountered over a few decades on how to survive and thrive.  I decided to compile everything I have taught as an instructor, learned from trial and error, or stumbled upon in situations.  This will be my labor of love, and I hope to continue adding content as often as I can.  My hope is that you will receive useful information and remember some key skills in any situation.  My goal is to provide information in digestible snippets, so you aren’t reading a book for each topic.  If you want to read a book, I will be publishing eBooks to provide as much detail on the topics of interest without a lot of fluff and lengthy life stories.  Your feedback on the topics is greatly appreciated.

I will also write about and/or Review products on occasion based on actual usage without bias.  If I recommend the product in any way, I will have an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission (no cost to you) to allow me to keep this site going for as long as possible.

Naked and Afraid episode summaries and my analysis and recommendation are being added. What I will do is provide highlights of the episode, including the survivalist info, and what they did to survive or tap out of the challenge. I will also make recommendations throughout the daily highlights of what they did right, what they could have done, or what they did wrong. I don’t like to focus on the things they did wrong but some things should be avoided, so if I see something that you should NOT DO, I will point those out.

I am focusing more on the content, but I still am asked quite a bit what my favorite item is for a specific category, like knife and tools, tent, trekking pole, GPS unit, etc. There is now an Items section in the menu, listing items I use in various categories and why I use it. There may be an affiliate link to the product if it is still being sold today. If I do a review on the item, there will be a link to the review.

Become a Survivalmarks Patron on Patreon for additional benefits:

  • Additional content or documents
  • Assets on Patreon like some of the constantly updated eBooks I will be working on
  • Access to Discord channel for survival chat

Thanks for your support by visiting my site and making your purchase through the affiliate links to keep this site alive. I hope to keep providing content for you to learn, practice and practice some more on adventuring and survival.


Please read carefully. Any links to products are affiliate links where I get a small payment for providing these links if you decide to buy the item using these links in a certain timeframe.  Any medical advice given on this site is informational, and you should consult a medical professional before attempting to self-remedy or help others based on what you learn here. I highly recommend taking a First Aid/CPR course every two years so what you see here is a reminder of what you have learned. Anything that can be dangerous or hazardous to you or others posted here is also informational and should also check your local and federal laws before attempting to conduct any of these actions. Anything you do that causes damage, injury to you or others is not my responsibility. This includes actions like: