
I have been asked about how do I get started on emergency or survival preparation. Most people think about buying things to prepare. Yes, gear and food are important, but you can’t go out and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars over a week to be prepared, if you don’t know how to use it or can’t afford it. Preparation comes in multiple categories and slightly differ based on event.

  • Mental Preparedness
  • Plans
  • Physical Fitness
  • Multitude of skills
  • Prep Gear

The order of preparation is important, and getting the most important items first, then work on additional items will allow you to be prepared without having a lot of money. Working on your skills with the important items while you’re building your survival item inventory is critical. Also, inventory management is key.

That said, mental preparation and planning are very important. Physical fitness and skills are just as important. I have spoken to many people who were overweight, on a lot of prescription pills, looking to build a bug out bag that now weighs 70 lbs. They won’t be able to carry that for distance, let alone go the distance necessary to survive. Being healthy both mind and body is crucial in survival. I will go over each of the categories above in detail and continue to provide concise information to be prepared.


Please read carefully. Any links to products are affiliate links where I get a small payment for providing these links if you decide to buy the item using these links in a certain timeframe.  Any medical advice given on this site is informational, and you should consult a medical professional before attempting to self-remedy or help others based on what you learn here. I highly recommend taking a First Aid/CPR course every two years so what you see here is a reminder of what you have learned. Anything that can be dangerous or hazardous to you or others posted here is also informational and should also check your local and federal laws before attempting to conduct any of these actions. Anything you do that causes damage, injury to you or others is not my responsibility. This includes actions like: