
There are many events that can disrupt your normal life, whatever that means to you.  Some are less likely to happen, and others happen daily around the world if you watch the news.  The most common are:

  • Where am I?  Am I lost?
  • My offroad vehicle broke down.  Now what?
  • Grid or massive power outage
  • Weather related like sandstorms, floods, massive hale, tornados, and hurricanes/typhoons
  • Wildfires – human or naturally occurring (i.e. lightning fire)
  • Extreme heat
  • Extreme cold
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanic eruption

There are many other events to prepare for, but are less likely to occur, some will seem nearly impossible.

  • Land erosion
  • Sinkholes
  • Mass chaos
  • Rising water levels
  • Cyberattack
  • Chemical warfare
  • War
  • EMP attacks
  • Catastrophic meteor collision
  • Alien Invasion

Aside from the last two on the list, the rest have all happened in the recent past.  If either of the last two occur, we are doomed anyway so prepping for it is futile.

That being said. Preparing to stay in your domain or leave to a safe location is crucial to survive.  Preparation has many domains:

  • Mental preparedness
  • A well-orchestrated and tested plan, along with contingency plans
  • Physical fitness
  • Multitude of skills
  • Survival items

The 4 most important things on the preparedness list are the top 4 in that order.  Mental preparedness is so important that you will not survive if your mind is not prepared to do so.  Being fit is critical to do the multitude of skills required to survive.  I will try to list as many of the things you need in the various events listed for each event.


Please read carefully. Any links to products are affiliate links where I get a small payment for providing these links if you decide to buy the item using these links in a certain timeframe.  Any medical advice given on this site is informational, and you should consult a medical professional before attempting to self-remedy or help others based on what you learn here. I highly recommend taking a First Aid/CPR course every two years so what you see here is a reminder of what you have learned. Anything that can be dangerous or hazardous to you or others posted here is also informational and should also check your local and federal laws before attempting to conduct any of these actions. Anything you do that causes damage, injury to you or others is not my responsibility. This includes actions like: