GMRS 101 – Fundamentals

GMRS is a great way to communicate at distance for basecamp or survival situations.  With the right radio, you should be able to communicate in the right terrain for about a 10 mile distance.  With access to a repeater, that can be extended further.  With linked repeaters, that can go across state lines and in some cases, multiple states.  If you have made the decision to own a GMRS radio, whether it is an HT (handheld transceiver) or a mobile unit, there are some fundamental things you need to know.

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How to find which direction North is using an analog watch

You can do this with any watch, analog or digital, if it has hour and minute hands.  You can recreate hour and minute hands with twigs or stones, but the watch is very helpful.  The method described here only works in the northern hemisphere.  You will also need a watch that is set correctly (doesn’t have to be exact but should be accurate within a couple of minutes).

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What is the best survival pack?

People hate my answer, but the best survival pack is the one that carries all your items you need to survive while making it relatively comfortable to carry for an extended period.  Most people shop for a pack, then all the items, and find out that the pack is not sized appropriately (usually too small) for what you need to carry.

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