Please read carefully. Any links to products are affiliate links where I get a small payment for providing these links if you decide to buy the item using these links in a certain timeframe.  Any medical advice given on this site is informational, and you should consult a medical professional before attempting to self-remedy or help others based on what you learn here. I highly recommend taking a First Aid/CPR course every two years so what you see here is a reminder of what you have learned. Anything that can be dangerous or hazardous to you or others posted here is also informational and should also check your local and federal laws before attempting to conduct any of these actions. Anything you do that causes damage, injury to you or others is not my responsibility. This includes actions like:

  • Parkour/freerunning (not allowed in most places)
  • Climbing (not allowed except in designated areas)
  • Climbing a tree (illegal in some places)
  • Chopping down a tree (illegal in most places)
  • Rappelling (not allowed except in designated areas)
  • Concealed carry of any weapons (requires permits in most locations and some locations are outright banned)
  • Starting fires for camping (requires a permit in most locations)
  • Harvesting rainwater (illegal in some places)
  • Off-grid power (not allowed in most locations)
  • Discarding garbage (illegal disposition of garbage can be a misdemeanor or felony in most states in the US)
  • Unlicensed use of GMRS or ham radio (illegal)
  • and many other actions on this site which I may continue to add here as I see fit and disclaimers will be added to each page that requires one

Affiliate Disclosure

This blog site will provide reviews, recommendations, and links to products and services where I may receive a commission through the affiliate link. If you click on the link and buy the product or service in a certain timeframe, I will be paid a commission on the sale. The commission is paid by the retailer or vendor, at no additional cost to you.

There will be additional affiliate notification on every section of the web site that contains an affiliate link. I am very careful to provide affiliate links of retailers, vendors, products and services I use or recommend. I may get the product free of charge from the retailer or vendor, and I will disclose that as well if I did not pay full price for the product or service with my own money.

Some of the affiliate commission goes to buying more items for me to provide unbiased reviews. If I am asked to do a review of a product or service by enough people who visit my website and I don’t recommend it, there will not be an affiliate link.

Thank you for reading the required affiliate disclosure.