Download offline maps for Apple or Google Maps for hiking with no cell or internet coverage

Apple Maps on Apple iOS only

Download the area you are hiking by doing the following:

  1. Open Apple Maps
  2. Click on your initials next to the search bar
  3. Third item down is Offline Maps, click on that
  4. Select Download New Map
  5. Enter the nearby city in the search bar
  6. A map will appear, you can move the map around to select the area you want to download, then click Download
  7. When you get near the area, verify that the area is the one you want to use for offline navigation
  8. You can rename the map you downloaded for future reference
  9. The map will automatically update if changes have occurred since your last download

Google Maps on Android or download for Apple iOS

Download the area you are hiking by doing the following:

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Click on your initial (first name initial) or photo to the far right of the search bar
  3. Fifth item down is Offline maps, click on that
  5. A map will appear, you can move the map around to select the area you want to download, then click DOWNLOAD
  6. When you get near the area, verify that the area is the one you want to use for offline navigation
  7. You can rename the map you downloaded for future reference be selecting the  next to the map you downloaded and select Rename
  8. The map will need to be manually updated by selecting the  next to the map you downloaded and selecting Update
  9. Maps expire 1 year after the initial download


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