Extend your living space with tarp and poles

A great way to extend your living space in a camp is by using a tarp and tarp poles. I usually extend using a single tarp pole and some guy lines. If I need a larger space, I will end up using two poles. This is good to setup outdoor seating areas, tables for comms, eating area, etc.

Single Tarp Pole

You can use a single tarp pole in the center of the tarp to create an A frame, and the other end will be tied down with guy lines. Make sure the pole is inserted in the grommet hole, and there should be a minimum of 2 guy lines pulling the pole at the top at 90 degree angle. This way, any wind will not bend the pole.

Double Tarp Pole – A frame

On the short sides of the tarp, use a tarp pole in the center on both sides. Make sure to use guy lines for the corners of the tarp to the ground. The tarp poles should be inserted in the grommet hole, and there should be a minimum of 2 guy lines pulling the pole at the top at 90 degree angle.

Double Tarp Pole – Awning

On the long side of the tap, use a tarp pole on the corners of one side of the tarp. The other end of the long side is warped off at both corners and the center. The poles should have a guy line at the top of each one, and should be off set opposing the angle of the other side corners.

There are many other configurations, but my favorite are these. I camped out with a total of 8 people in 2 person tents, and have made a central area with walk ways to be in shade or out of rain by making an X where each end will end up in a tent. It was a good way to also have a common seating area to gather as well.


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