Do I need a gun for survival?

This is a tough question to answer. The answer is, YES. The type of gun is also crucial to think about. Handguns are more portable and can be worn on a belt. But you need to be able to shoot well with a handgun. Shotguns are easier to shoot and hit the target, but it is heavier and not as portable (though there are great packs that can holster a shotgun.) Rifles and AR style guns are good, but again, you need to be able to shoot well, and they are definitely not compact.

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Should I buy a repeater for my GMRS radios?

This seems to be the most common question I get after people have purchased GMRS radios and started using it. The short answer is, NO, but it depends. There are GMRS repeaters (which I will be reviewing in the near future) that allows a group of people nearby to use to communicate at a further distance than they can using just their handheld GMRS radios.

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What is an EMP attack?

EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse attacks can be brutal in today’s society. Can this happen? Definitely, YES. How can this happen? Massive solar flares, nation-state attacks, and war are some examples. What happens when this occurs? Simply put, all things electronic will fail. That includes phones, radios, chargers, cars, TV, if it is electronic, it will…

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