Cooking necessities at camp besides the stove

I have lived on a boat, overloading (before the term got popular), and have gone car camping, glamping, and backpacking in many places around the globe. When you have the luxuries of carrying a ton of stuff to prepare and cook food, it feels like home to me. However, if space and weight is a concern (carrying a kitchen full of stuff is not an option in a survival situation), I have a short list of items I carry or make on my own.

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Importance of radio dispatcher

A community of survivors have established base camp, and the community is humming with tasks being done, enjoying life as best as possible, and the community needs to communicate. There are several ways of doing this, and mesh network text messages and radios are the best ways. So do you need someone to handle dispatch?

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Gold versus Cash – Which is better?

This is a question I get quite often. Depending on the price of gold, people always ask me if they should buy gold. Gold is a commodity, and it is quite interesting. It is liquid (to some degree) like cash, it holds its value, but it doesn’t earn money (like cash). It can be stored privately or stored virtually though the latter would be annoying if the SHTF.

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