What Is Overlanding All About?

People have asked me, when I go adventuring, if I ever go overlanding?  Yes, and it is not your typical glamping with a vehicle, though I do have quite a luxurious overlanding setup.  I usually go for weeks (usually 2-4) with minimal food and water packed in my vehicle and I go out adventuring.

What is overlanding?  It is self-reliance and sustenance in a survival situation in very remote areas with just what you can pack in your vehicle for an extended period.  I do pack enough fuel to ensure I can get in and out of my situation, and you definitely can’t do this in an EV.  I plan out my adventure path, make sure I get the maximum amount of fuel before I reach my starting point of my adventure.  Make sure you know how to repair your vehicle when the need arises and bring a HAM radio to get help if needed.  I brought a satellite communication device on my longer journeys in case of an emergency.

As far as food and water goes, after what is in my vehicle is depleted, I fish, hunt, trap and forage for food, and I get water from the water sources mapped throughout my path.  Most cases, I do stay put in one remote area where there is plenty of water and food source.  I setup base camp and adventure freely doing what I enjoy most about adventuring.

The longest overlanding trip I have done in my life was 6 months, and it was difficult especially when you are doing it alone or with one other person.  We always had tasks to accomplish but made time to enjoy the little things in life like a good hike or enjoying solitude and peace.  I was in survival mode when I did my 6 months, and my overlanding partner was key to my success.  We made sure we got water to make potable for drinking and fill the portable shower.  We got firewood and made sure we had heat, and we moved the solar panels around, so we had battery banks charged for our radios, GPS, and other gear.  We washed our clothes, cleaned our area, and always organized and put away our gear when not in use.  And finally, we went hunting, trapping, fishing and foraging for food.  There were days we had no food, but we were able to always get something to eat within a day or two.

The best thing about overlanding is the peace and self-reflection with no modern interruptions.  It was living off the land, and something most people should practice once a year at least 2 weeks or more at a time.  So, get out there!  Go overlanding with some friends and see how long you can survive out in a remote area.  It will be challenging both mentally and physically, but highly rewarding.  And last but not least, enjoy your journey.


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